Rylie W
Rating 5/5
This classic 1967 novel focuses on the life of teenagers that are the opposite of what adults deem them to be. From the perspective of 14-year-old 'greaser', Ponyboy, we see the universal and ever-lasting themes of self-identity, preserving childhood innocence, divided communities (including social class) and many more.
The characterisation within the novel is one of the reasons why it is such a good read. Each character is so unique and different, showing all the different sides of bad guys who just happen to have been raised on the wrong side of town. The Greasers are portrayed as the anti-heroes, all people coming from there being nothing more than lawbreakers, next to the Socials, or 'Socs', who are the filthy rich and 'flawless' side of town. But the more you read, the clearer it becomes that members of society aren't all that different, and social status doesn't make you less or more of a good person.
This novel also reflects the fears that teens have to face through Ponyboy's perspective and thoughts, allowing the readers to be able to fully relate. We see the pressure put on Ponyboy to succeed and do better in every way by his older brother, Darry, and how he feels as though he must please Darry. Darry's character represents the expectations people can receive from their parents, allowing the audience to have a stronger relationship with Ponyboy. Also evident in the novel is the representation of the need to fit into society and particular groups, but also that need to be individual, as shown through the character of Ponyboy.
I personally believe everyone should read The Outsiders at least once in their lives.