On Saturday the 11th March, Good Samaritan had its annual Open Day. Prospective students who were currently in Year 5 and their parents from schools around the area visited the College to look around and explore the facilities to consider GSCC for their secondary schooling.

The day began at 11am with a presentation in the College Hall. The introductory presentation was given to the prospective students and parents by Mr Vannan, the Assistant Principal, and Mr Corcoran, the Principal. They explained the enrolment process and introduced some of the major projects currently being undertaken at the school. Our College Captains; Mia and Hugh also gave a speech on their experience at the College from when they were in Year 7.

The visitors were then introduced to their tour guides, who showed them around the school. They took them to areas such as the Science Block and the St Joseph Trades Skills Centre. Different subjects and co-curricular initiatives had booths or classrooms where they showed the work of GSCC students and the variety of topics explored within the subject.

Overall, the day was an absolute success. Many students and parents showed great interest in the College, and they looked forward to applying for enrolment for Year 7 2025.
Written by Oriana P