On Thursday the 8th December, the College’s Special Events and Media Team showcased their innovative works and achievements through a special exposition. It displayed the achievements and skills the team had shown over the course of the year, and it also provided presentations of the team’s mentoring and training program with Good Shepherd Primary School’s Junior Media Team students in areas such as photography, digital media post-production and reporting.

The mentoring program saw GSCC’s Media Team collaborate with the Junior Media Team at Good Shepherd throughout various times in 2022. The skills the Primary School students learnt were showcased via a number of specialist booths during the afternoon.
The student reporters of the Good Shepherd Junior Media Team were taught skills in interviewing and journalism. They, along with the GSCC Reporters, showcased what they had learnt and achieved over the past year.
Similarly, the photography and digital media group were taught the basic use of a camera and how to take a good photo, including aspects such as ‘filling the frame’, ‘different angles’ and the ‘artistic potential of the medium’. The students also learnt how to edit photos using a program called ‘Adobe Lightroom’. Through this, they were able to see improvements with lighting, saturation and more.

At the expo, teachers from both Good Samaritan and Good Shepherd had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the benefits of the mentoring session with both the GSCC Media Team and the Good Shepherd Junior Media Team. This further allowed the members to consolidate what was learnt and illustrate the efforts displayed in the program.

GSCC also had booths which showed their other ongoing projects. This included livestreaming (a big part of what the Media Team does in order to present assemblies and events to the community), Yearbook production (a huge task the team takes on to show the achievements of all cohorts across GSCC) and a Promotions booth which explained the foundations of the Team and their accomplishments.
'As a part of both the Media Team and the GSHP mentoring program, I enjoyed the opportunity to show the community all the hard work the Media Team participates in. I saw value in watching the mentored students present what they learnt over the course of the program.' - Zoe Yr 8 Media Team member
Written By: Zoe C, Elizabeth G and Oriana P