Congratulations to the Good Samaritan Catholic College Class of 2024 on your outstanding Higher School Certificate (HSC) results!
Our school climbed an astonishing 50 positions in The Sydney Morning Herald rankings, placing 181st in the state.
We recorded 118 Distinguished Achievers, 2 All Rounders, 1 Top Achiever and 7 nominations for HSC showcases.

Good Samaritan Catholic College Principal Pablo Grana congratulated Year 12 on their fantastic effort and achievements.
“Our HSC results have significantly improved across all areas, a reflection of the hard work and commitment from both our students and staff. All of our teachers are to be commended for their dedication to ensuring all students were a priority in terms of their learning growth. I want to thank the classroom teachers, specialist teachers and support staff who had an impact across this cohort's journey throughout Years 7 to 12.”
“With a nearly doubled number of distinguished achievers and outstanding Band 6 results, this success is a direct result of the collaborative effort and support within our school community. Our students worked as a team to lift each other and focused on personal best to contribute to the Good Samaritan HSC Bucket.”
“I’m incredibly proud of everyone’s dedication. Together, we’ve fostered an environment where all students can thrive and achieve their best,” Principal Grana said.

Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) has achieved outstanding results in the 2024 HSC with 13 of its 33 secondary schools ranked among the top 150 high schools in NSW.
SCS recorded an impressive 2819 Distinguished Achievers, 42 Top Achievers and 45 All Rounders.
Notably, eight SCS students received HSC First in Course honours.
SCS students also completed 1,921 VET courses, and earned 280 HSC Showcase Nominations across the Creative and Performing Arts, and Technology and Applied Studies.
Here is a recap of our 2024 HSC highlights:
118 Distinguished Achievers – lists the students who achieved a result in the highest band (Band 6 or Band E4) for one or more courses, not including results for courses studied external to their school
2 All Rounders – number of students scoring above 90 in at least 10 units
1 Top Achiever – students who achieved one of the highest places in a HSC course or optional exam and also achieved a result in the highest band
The number of students that achieved a Band 6 (62) was double that of 2023
Combined Band 5 and Band 6 results also increased by 41%