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Getting Started with Adobe CC

GSCC NewsReel

Students who do specific subjects such as Visual Arts and Photography & Digital Media will be given access to the Adobe CC Suite when required. If you receive an authorisation email to use the Adobe Suite at GSCC; follow the steps

below on how to install the programs you require.

1) Click on the Apple logo in the top left corner, and select System Preferences. Select Network. Click on Advanced, then select the Proxies tab. Make sure Auto Proxy Discovery is selected. Press OK, and close the Network window.

2) Go to your browser. Make sure to clear your cache (in Chrome; press on the word Chrome in the top left corner near the Apple logo, and select Preferences.... in the search bar, type 'cache'. Select Clear web browsing data. Make sure the time range, All Time is selected. Press Clear Data.)

3) Open the email that was sent by Adobe. Press the blue button that says Get Started.

4) A new window will open. Make sure to press the Continue with Google button. Sign in with your CENET account.

5) Download the software that you require. Some programs are quite large so make sure your laptop device has enough space for the program to be installed. Once downloaded, your laptop may ask you for a password to install the software on your device. Be sure to type in your COMPUTER password (ie. the password you use to login to your device)

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