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Bring the World into your classroom

GSCC NewsReel

Augmented reality allows teachers to further engage their students by not only letting them view subjects from every angle, but by letting them interact and share the experience with each other. With Google Expeditions AR, teachers can bring 3D objects to the students' desks so that everyone can examine the object together at the same time. (Think Pokemon Go meets education.) Expeditions AR helps teachers bring abstract concepts to life, giving students a deeper understanding of the world beyond the classroom.

Google Expeditions AR can either be undertaken with the teacher as a guide, or as a discovery activity (solo mode) where students explore a particular AR expedition themselves.

What’s needed:

1) Smartphone device for each participant (that's connected to the same network as the Google Guide's device)

2) iPad / Smartphone device for Guide

3) Google Expeditions installed on each device

For a step by step guide, Click Here

For AR markers, Click Here

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