It was a very exciting, and at times emotional morning at Sydney Airport today, as our GSCC Pilgrims commenced their WYD 2019 trip. The formation sessions and planning meetings we had in the last couple of months was now becoming reality... We were now on our way for World Youth Day 2019! The first stop-over was Los Angeles Airport, where we quickly changed over to our connecting flight to Mexico City.

The trip from LA Airport was rewarded with an awesome view of Mexico City. This mega city has a population of just over 21 million people - a very big difference to Sydney's population of 5 million.

On our arrival at the airport, we went through customs and were then greeted by our tour operator, Cosmos. Although many of us were quite tired from the long-haul flight, Silvana our tour guide gave us a very nice introductory outline of this marvellous city.

We checked in to our first hotel; the FiestaAmericana. Mass was celebrated with Father Joshua, where he gave our pilgrims a chance to think of the journey they were about to embark, and to capture something from the masses and churches that we will visit in the next couple of weeks.

The journey has really begun!
The pilgrimage will include visiting a number of wonderful religious places in Mexico City, and making the trip to Panama to celebrate WYD with Pope Francis. Be sure to keep up to date with what's happening with our Twitter Feed (@GSCC_WYD), and to check here for the latest news and events.