Matthew Bradbury
Dec 9, 2019
ACYF Day 3
In many ways the whole ACYF journey was leading to this moment. All of the faith formation sessions, plenaries, talks, workshops, and...

Matthew Bradbury
Dec 9, 2019
Day 3: The pilgrimage walk to the Final Mass
In many ways the whole ACYF journey was leading to this moment. All of the faith formation sessions, plenaries, talks, workshops, and...

Matthew Bradbury
Dec 8, 2019
ACYF 2019 Day 1
ACYF was officially opened on Sunday morning as young people from all over Australia assembled in the Perth Convention and Exhibition...

Matthew Bradbury
Dec 8, 2019
ACYF Day 2
The second day somehow managed to be bigger and better in every way than the first day. No small feat considering the great experience of...

Matthew Bradbury
Dec 7, 2019
GSCC ACYF Pilgrims arrive in Perth
The sixteen students, accompanied by Mr Bradbury and Ms Flett safely arrived in Perth at 7pm(AWST) and travelled straight to their...

GSCC NewsReel
Dec 7, 2019
All set for the journey to ACYF in Perth!
Our GSCC Pilgrims are all set for the ACYF journey! The preparations and build-up to what will be an exciting week of events at ACYF...

GSCC NewsReel
Nov 29, 2019
GSCC's Friday Mass Service gives blessing to our ACYF Pilgrims
The excitement is truly building at GSCC as we countdown to the beginning of the Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) in Perth. Our...

GSCC NewsReel
Nov 24, 2019
ACYF Commissioning Mass at St Mary's Cathedral
With just under 2 weeks to go until our official journey to the Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) commences; our GSCC ACYF...